A Most Unreliable Narrator Issue 24: Wet Burrito
Weight: No idea
Mood: Chilled
I know and I’m sorry. :(
The following has happened since we last spoke:
We are at the cabin in N. Michigan (home of the Leelanau Enterprise) until late October
I turned 49
My MIL stayed with us for a few weeks and then went back home
I have visitors just about every weekend
I went down to Grand Rapids to visit friends while getting the MINI its yearly service and ate my weight at my favorite restaurants
I’ve been off/on Noom
I peed my pants. Twice.
There. We’re now caught up.
I’m struggling, and TEH is also struggling, about our living situation. Neither one of us are a fan of Louisville but right now the real estate market isn’t as robust as it is in other cities. Not sure why that is a truism but here we are. The condo has not appreciated in price since we bought it nearly seven years ago and you’d think with living downtown and the city itself starting to recover from all the mayhem, disillusionment, and problems in the last few years, things would start booming living space wise but this is not so. Downtown expansion has stalled even though new hotels are being put in so who knows what the fuck is going on.
Predicating if I can work from home permanently, we want to move but the question is to where. Natural response would be to move to the cabin since it’s a property we already own and it’s in a desired county but the cabin, which is fine for short hauls visits, is not prepared for a winter stay by any stretch of the imagination.. We have to gut the heating system or risk paying $500/mo to heat it in the winter, no washer / dryer on site which leads back to gutting the place out. Right now hauling our laundry to TC isn’t that big of a deal but to give you an indication of the snow fall here, in the 2018/19 winter season, 18’ or 222 inches of snow fell. The MINI rides too low to make it in the winters which means we would need to buy a truck or an SUV and we would need to buy two to handle a “just in case” scenario. We’re under a canopy of trees which is great in the spring and summer because it cools the house down but in the winter, the lack of sunlight makes it feel even darker then it is. Our mutual seasonal depression would bloom up here and it’s just not ideal. We have been trying for two years to get a contractor up here but the pandemic has caused havoc on work and supplies since everything has gone tits up.
With the exception of Best Kate, all my friends live in GR or the surrounding area. GR is suffering from growth pains and buying a place within a reasonable budget would be nigh impossible. No idea why it’s a city of growth right now - no one really seems to know other than it’s now super desirable. I want to move back but TEH is ixnaying that because I had my chance and the house we owned is now worth nearly twice what we paid for it so we’ve lost money. TEH says that when we were in GR before, I complained about leaving and I won’t fault him to say if this is true or not because every time I’ve left that city, I’ve longed to go back. I’ve also toyed with moving to Columbus because of Best Kate so that city is on the table. TEH’s depression and anxiety would not allow us to live further north because the winters are so hard on him thanks to SAD.
TEH is dissolute that we may be moving again. He wants to make our final move to be the one where we move to Europe for retirement but we’re looking at least a decade away from when he retires from AT&T for that to even be a reality. We both agree staying in Louisville for that long of time would be ridiculous but we’re probably looking at least one more haul of a move somewhere before we go.
TEH has said that the only way he’d consider a move, again predicating I can work from home permanently, is if I can make a sound financial argument for it. He has thrown down the gauntlet and I have accepted the challenge. Spin the wheel for we may end up somewhere entirely new within the next year.
I have just submitted my final paper for this term's class and I am elated. Studying takes up a lot of my free time, including lunches and weekends, so submitting that fucker this morning was of great elation. I argued about the “Romanization” of the Celts in Britain during the Roman era which can really go one of two ways: One way you could argue that it existed and lived on after the Romans left in the late 4th century / early 5th century because we use Roman words with their original meanings (forum and patrician are two examples), we use Roman numerals on clocks, and bridges and structures are still surviving as well as Roman roads remain intact in most of Britain, France (Gaul), and other areas of conquest. You can also argue it did not since when the Imperial empire collapsed, what was no longer needed was dissolved. Post-Roman Britain reverted back to their original Celtic way of life and identity to such an extent, one archaeologist said that kind of reverting back to the old ways was not seen in continental Europe then or now at the speed that it happened.
I liked the class and it butteressed up against my previous class so there was a lot of overlap which really helped with my studying. Next class is on the Vikings and the class after that is on the Elizabethans. I may take a break next summer because I found I had to cancel a lot of plans or rearrange stuff this current summer due to homework.
Wonderful Thing
My 90 Day Fiance BFF, Erika, is coming to visit in September so I’m prepping her for Michigan (Midwestern) food such as:
Wet burrito
Bumpy cake
Ranch for dipping sauce (primarily with cheese sticks)
Almond Boneless Chicken (ABC)
And whatever else I can come up with. She’s guaranteed to gain 5lbs pounds.
Interesting Things (or things to buy)
Nothing this week.
Links to Read That Are Not (Terribly) Depressing
Cancer cons, phoney accidents and fake deaths: meet the internet hoax buster
From boyband member to turkey farmer: 10 of the best pop star career changes
Don’t be stupid! Get vaxxed!
lisa x
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