Dear Internet,
I was updating my media list for 2022 when I did a quick count to see I have read nearly 40 books so far this year putting me on track for my 75 books for 2022.
Even with fluff-less books, I still read pretty fast so last year I decided to start a book review blog only to find that no one reads blogs anymore so I moved it to a newsletter. Then I promptly put my new toy away.
Since I’ve finished four books in the last two weeks, I kicked off the newsletter again with the idea of bite size blurbs rather than more in-depth reviews. Either I like a book or I don’t and if I don’t, why? This is not rocket science.
I sent out the first episode today and will be updating it weekly on Thursdays if you’re so inclined to subscribe!
This week’s unintentional theme is romance if you’re looking for some fun reads while having a hot <insert quip here> summer.
your heroine in a book,
lisa x