A Most Unreliable Narrator Issue #147.5 All ugly thoughts are gone
I'm sure we'll all be friends
Dear Internet,
Bernard O’Leary is a saint (and genius). In his recent issue of This Week in the ‘90s, he published my essay I was mentioned a few issues back. The essay takes The Afghan Whig’s 1993 album, Gentlemen, and I trace my first real adult relationship through the album’s song cycle.
The essay stirs up a painful part of my history, my romantic history, but it was a good exorcise and exercise. I don’t think I’ve deep dived in my 21 year old self in at least a decade; probably longer. (I searched through Exit, Pursued by a Bear and the last time I wrote about him was in 2001. Pre-2001 (no date on the entry), I surmised our relationship in a “poem.”)
J and I just got back from Mexico yesterday and I’m decompressing from six days of constant drinking (rum punches and vodka and pineapple), hanging out in a pool all day, and watching my skin burn even with 50 SPF.
A complete write up of my The White Lotus experience is coming Sunday with pictures! (No, my kidneys weren’t stolen.)
lisa x