🫶🏻 A Most Unreliable Narrator Issue 🚫#200.5 No new AMUN issues until October 20
That's it. That's the topic.
Hey chums!
I’m in the middle of writing the latest issue of Lisa Writes Stuff and I realised that the next few weeks are going to be hella busy with moving back to Michigan, writing commitments, friends visiting, and cabin stuff to be done.
While I usually razzle dazzle spur of the moment writing, I want to be kind to myself and not rush. When I took some of the summer off, while I itched to send a missive, it was a breath to not hurry. You lot will still be here when I come back.
Here’s the upcoming schedule:
October 2 - Lisa Writes Stuff
October 9 - Dispatch Blotter
October 17 - Lisa Writes Stuff
October 20 - A Most Unreliable Narrator comes back
I’m keeping Lisa Writes Stuff in the schedule since it is more of a “here is what I am (or not) writing and updates on my submissions.” LWS missives go pretty fast so they are easy to crank out.
Starting in November is when 52 Stories in 52 Weeks comes back. If you don’t recall (because it’s been a hot minute), I got a wild hair up my arse on my 51st birthday to write 51 word stories in 51 weeks. Well, after 21 weeks, I stopped because who the hell knows why I did. I decided to kick start it again and change it to 52 Stories in 52 Weeks and if my math is correct, episode 22 will be published on November 6. The newsletter schedule then becomes:
Sunday - A Most Unreliable Narrator
Monday - Ms Scarlet Writes
Tuesday - Nerd Girl Industries
Wednesday - Lisa Writes Stuff (alternating weeks)
Thursday - Dispatch Blotter (alternating weeks)
Friday - 52 Stories in 52 Weeks (beginning November 6)
Ms. Scarlet and NGI are not published by Substack but rather on their own newsletters. I haven’t written a Ms. Scarlet post since May and NGI has been regular for a month now. I don’t know when Ms. Scarlet is coming back. Probably in the year. The Dispatch Blotter is a literal curate and cut/paste. And 52 Stories in 52 Weeks is, well 52 stories in 52 word stories in 52 weeks.
Top with client writing and my own personal writing, I write a fucking lot.
How did this turn into something else?
Anyway, this is the schedule.
Finally, I get that me showing up in your inbox twice a week (soon to be three) can be overwhelming. Since all my Substack missives have their own sections, you can subscribe / unsubscribe the sections you don’t want to recieve. Logged into Substack, go to amostunreliablenarrator.substack.com/account and select what you do want to read. I won’t be mad. I promise.
Until next time!
lisa x