📰 Dispatch Blotter Highlights Issue #103 Smells strange odor from bathroom vents.
Also this week: weird phone calls, identity theft, and wives not giving husbands space
Leelanau Enterprise, a weekly newspaper in Leelanau County, publishes the dispatch calls to 911 in every issue with additional reporting by The Ticker.
These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
Tuesday, March 12
12:44am 3/12/2024 Info Broadway St., Message from FBI National Threat Operation Center, information sharing, see details in state returns.
1:23pm 3/12/2024 Misc Complaint Suttons Bay Twp., Hand delivered complaint to the SO.
3:52pm 3/12/2024 Building Check Northport, Caller is concerned because side gate was open yesterday and there was trash on the kitchen counter, is nervous and would like a deputy to search the building and see if there is any evidence of someone on the premise. Checked the building, no cause for concern.
11:42pm 3/12/2024 911 Hangup Suttons Bay Twp., 911 call, male voice on line. Unable to make out any words. No answer on callback. Whole house is dark. Checked with homeowners, everything is good about the house, will check the area. Unfounded.
Wednesday, March 13
8:18am 3/13/2024 Suspicious Incident Leelanau Cty., Caller states they got a weird phone call asking what start time was and if she had questions for the person, they laughed and hung up. San Francisco area code.
3:17pm 3/13/2024 Citizen Assist Suttons Bay Twp., Says he has evidence of fraud and intimidation regarding a court case. Would like to speak with an officer.
Thursday, March 14
7:50am 3/14/2024 Threats Leelanau Cty., Threats to burn down the house.
10:21am 3/14/2024 Fire Smoke Empire Twp., Smells strange odor from bathroom vents. Unfounded, no hazards found.
4:26 p.m. — Elmwood Township Caller reports an ongoing problem with people using their lawn. Wants a deputy to come and talk with them.
4:49 p.m. — Elmwood Township Neighbor goes on walks with dog through caller’s property.
5:34pm 3/14/2024 Threats E Traverse Hwy., Caller received a phone call at work and was threatened.
5:45pm 3/14/2024 Building Check S West-Bay Shore Dr., Caller has camera and a lot of racket in the house, bird inside.
Friday, March 15
10:34 a.m. — Solon Township Someone opened a fake AT&T account under caller’s name in Arizona.
4:13pm 3/15/2024 Suspicious Incident Maple City, Someone is tampering with the caller’s mail, he has video footage of someone going into his mailbox.
11:12 p.m. — Elmwood Township Caller saw people running out of a driveway wearing camo. Caller was at friend’s house and saw them. They ran uphill west on the street. Three people possibly had backpacks. Could have been young.
Saturday, March 16
4:16 p.m. — Elmwood Township Caller was awakened by pounding on the front door. Didn’t see anyone when they got up and opened the door. (Checked outside. There was no sign or anyone or any vehicles.)
Sunday, March 17
1:22 p.m. — Elmwood Township Teenagers going through chairs on the property. (All secure. No one there. Pictures taken Saturday.) Followed up with call to property owner.
2:49pm 3/17/2024 Welfare Check Kasson Twp., Baby was wearing diapers and no shoes on a picnic table, caller knocked and no one came to the door and the baby was crying, then three little children about 4 and 3 came to the door and caller told them to bring the baby inside and they did but no adult seemed to be there.
3:14 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Caller has received threatening email. “If you tell anybody about this BS, we are going to have bigger problems.” Caller is concerned he will come in and make a scene and intimidate her.
Tuesday, March 19
1:28pm 3/19/2024 Dumping Suttons Bay Twp., Person dumped a bunch of trash in their dumpster, it’s overflowing with boxes, furniture, etc. Has same name on multiple boxes. Made contact with person who dumped trash. Is new to the area and unfamiliar with the public recycling receptacles. He will go back to Suttons Bay and get his items and dispose of them properly. Will call the reporter.
Wednesday, March 20
9:58am 3/20/2024 Assault Battery Northport, Someone beat up brother in the bathroom.
12:20 p.m. — Kasson Township Fraud charges on husband’s credit card.
7:07pm 3/20/2024 Fraud Leelanau Cty., Caller says that someone is posing as an FBI agent, believes that her home is tapped.
Thursday, March 21
10:20 a.m. — Elmwood Township Caller reports about 7 a.m., a white Ford SUV pulled into the parking lot behind Subway and took a hard hat from a tractor.
Friday, March 22
3:11 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Subject called into work Wednesday and said she would be in on Thursday. Didn’t arrive Thursday or Friday.
Saturday, March 23
6:45am 3/23/2024 Family Trouble S West-Bay Shore Dr., Wife will not give him any space. Caller stated he will leave the house, don’t send anyone. He just wants it on record.
Sunday, March 24
1:54 p.m. — Empire Township Harassment reported. If subject choose to take further action, it will likely be civil matter handled through the courts.
Monday, March 25
8:22 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township Caller runs and inn and a guest, should stayed there, has threatened retaliation.
8:14 p.m. — Elmwood Township Daughter isn’t answering phone. Mother is concerned. (Per law enforcement, outside and inside lights are on. Car in the driveway. Daughter is fine.)