👮🏻 Dispatch Blotter Highlights Issue #104 🚔 Husband went to Mass. Is not back yet.
Also this week: Fraud, suspicious incidents, and lots of trash
Leelanau Enterprise, a weekly newspaper in Leelanau County, publishes the dispatch calls to 911 in every issue with additional reporting by The Ticker.
These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
Monday, March 25
8:22am 3/25/2024 Threats Suttons Bay Twp., Lobby complaint– a guest who stayed at inn has threatened retaliation.
Tuesday, March 26
3:04pm 3/26/2024 Scam Centerville Twp., Constantly falling victims to scams.
Thursday, March 28
8:31 a.m. — Empire Township Welfare check requested on subject. (Law enforcement responded. Person there was OK. Just didn’t hear the phone ring.)
10:51 a.m. — Solon Township Disposal truck westbound. Dump box with tarp. Dropping big pieces of cardboard along roadway.
11:21am 3/28/2024 Motor Vehicle Crash S West-Bay Shore Dr., Lady in silver Subaru in 3 yards, into someone's porch. Driver thinks she fainted. Large picture window is broken.
2:01pm 3/28/2024 Civil Leelanau Twp., Brother on property, not supposed to be unless there is an agreement with date and time– there is not a PPO, the property is in probate.
2:24 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Email received at Sheriff’s Office, says 24 properties are involved in deed fraud.
5:23pm 3/28/2024 Info Cedar, Sold motorcycle on Facebook Marketplace but another person came while he was selling it, said caller would regret selling the bike to the other person. Info only.
9:48 p.m. — Leelanau Township Resident pulled fire alarm. No fire.
Friday, March 29
12:17am 3/29/2024 Suspicious Person Leelanau Cty., Person walking by caller’s house and yelling.
10:20 a.m. — Bingham Township Caller is not home. But saw on cameras, a white truck with small trailer behind it going down his driveway. Shouldn’t be any contractors there. (Driver was using the driveway to access the neighbors. He is departing now.)
11:16 a.m. — Suttons Bay Someone is throwing trash at a commercial dump site.
5:29 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Driveway alarms were set off for extended periods over the last two days. Today a male in a gray/silver smaller sedan was asking strange questions about the chickens at the egg stand and the caller house and then the same vehicle later came up the caller’s driveway and was acting suspicious in the area.
8:07 p.m. — Leland Township Caller is porting that someone is laying lines and there is a digger at the end of her driveway that has been running since 4 p.m. No one is around.
Saturday, March 30
5:40pm 3/30/2024 Citizen Assist Elmwood Twp., Caller would like to speak to an officer about her roommate who is damaging the property.
10:02 p.m. — Solon Township Husband went to Mass. Is not back yet.
Sunday, March 31
12:18 a.m. — Centerville Township Caller reports that neighbor shut a raccoon on her property tonight.
2:59 p.m. — Centerville Township Brush pile is burning. Contained but could spread.
3:17 p.m. — Kasson Township Water running since Friday. Water pipe sticks out of the ground 2 feet and is starting to run down into the road.
4:34 p.m. — Elmwood Township Subject came up to caller’s child in their front yard. Walking around with a Husky, looking for lost dog.
6:34 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Caller is concerned that her ex is in danger, referencing assault last night. (Contact made. He is in good health and fine, per law enforcement.
6:51 a.m. — Elmwood Township Caller would like someone to check address and make sure her daughter is OK.
Monday, April 1
11:31 a.m. — Leelanau Township Someone keeps putting household trash in construction dumpsters.
5:35pm 4/1/2024 Suspicious Incident Leelanau Cty., Says her sister took her driver's license from her dad’s truck at the tow yard.
10:25 p.m. — Elmwood Township Suspicious vehicle. Slight language barrier.
Tuesday, April 2
6:36 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township Deputy checking on suspicious vehicle. Persons there were given a verbal warning for overnight camping.
9:39pm 4/2/2024 Info Kasson Twp., Caller can hear loud tarp blowing in the wind across the road at her neighbors, she is concerned the green house is going to blow apart. Tried contacting the property owner but there was no answer.
Thursday, April 4
9:53am 4/4/2024 Motor Vehicle Crash Lake Leelanau, Garbage truck struck caller’s vehicle around 3 or 4am this morning.
10:04am 4/4/2024 Welfare Check Bingham Twp., Fort Payne Police Department in Alabama called, would like to talk to a detective or deputy about how we handle custody cases.
11:20am 4/4/2024 Michigan Department of Transportation Lake Leelanau, Someone broke the pallet in the back of her truck and has scraped the paint down the metal on the top of the cab.
8:02pm 4/4/2024 Weapon Violation Suttons Bay Twp., Per 45-07, inmate is reporting a firearms straw sale.
9:59pm 4/4/2024 Suspicious Incident Suttons Bay Twp., Caller had a man jump out in front of him in Suttons Bay, caller had to slam on the breaks, he may have injured the man.
10:05pm 4/4/2024 Suspicious Incident Glen Lake, Caller is reporting that the staff is waking her up, slamming things around to scare her half to death because they think it is funny.
Saturday, April 6
4:08 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Silver, Hyundai SUV swerving all over the road. Drove over sign and kept going.
6:32pm 4/6/2024 Suspicious Incident E Traverse Hwy., Person came into business, asked to walk around the houses, thinks he entered one of them in violation of organic growing rules.
7 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township Woman fell off her bike. No medical attention needed. Law enforcement will assist in getting the individual back to their house.
Sunday, April 7
12:20 a.m. — Elmwood Township Caller reports his neighbors to the north are playing loud music. (Occupants were advised to move the part inside.)
3:15 p.m. — Solon Township Caller’s wife is throwing things.
Monday, April 8
9:00am 4/8/2024 Citizen Assist Empire Twp., Hired caller to drive truck from Georgia, when he got here he was fired.