Issue #34.5 Surgical Mania
By now most of you who follow me on social media, and in this case primarily on Facebook, or I've talked to you in person, know I had my pre-surgery surgery this afternoon (April 10) where they performed a hysteroscopy, polypectomy, and a D&C. In short, they stuck a camera up my vagina to see what's going on, scrapped some uterine lining out, and then chopped off one of the polyps to send to pathology to find out if it's malignant or not.
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good! There was a slight hiccup getting into surgery (the OB/GYN surgeon had an emergency surgery before mine) but the procedure was fast and I was in an out in under an hour of the OR and out of the hospital about five hours after I came in. I was a bit annoyed that during the nearly three hour prep (mostly waiting for the surgeon to appear) no less than three anesthesiologists appeared to ask me: what was I in for, what was I allergic to, what time/date/president it was (one of the anesthesiologists turned out to be a Trump supporter who when I responded to if I knew who the president was, I said "unfortunately" and he replied, "I like our president." Internally, I said that's because you make over $300K a year (I looked it up) while my poor Medicaid ass feels terrible using public services I've paid into because I'm jobless and broke. What he got to his comment was raised eyebrows from me and the nurse in my section), my name, current date, and my date of birth. I get they do this to verify I am of sound legal mind and such, but christ, it's annoying when that shit is right on that chart AND I've got a bracelet with that information that I had to verify several times before the bracelet was locked onto my wrist.
They gave me the shit drug: Ibuprofen 600mg which is doing jack all for my headache that I've had since this morning which could be due to lack of caffeine, the anesthesia, low food intake for the day, or some other malady. So other than a headache, I'm feeling okay! No pain and very little bleeding. I was called a model patient by one of the nurses while we both glanced over to the room next to me where a woman was keening in pain. She souned like an injured animal. Yay for high pain tolerance?
But this is not the only reason why I'm writing!
(I may be on a caffeine high since I had three big cups of black tea when we got back from dinner and it's after 1AM and I feel fine. I'm hoping to fuck it's not mania having been triggered because that would just suuccckkkkk.)
The other reason why I'm writing is to toot my own horn on my poetry blog! We're nearing the middle of the month and I have yet to miss a day. I've been having a run of luck where I'm able to write a poem or two to keep me ahead of schedule. I was overhauling my work CV on tonight, because what else do highly caffeinated people do but overhaul their CVs?, and did a deep dive into my old prose and found a few poems nearing 20 years on I rather like still so I am reposting those on the poetry blog this week.
Below are snippets of pieces that have already been posted. Read, comment here or there but most of all, remember I know that is great art because I am creating something but it may not be great art if you follow my drift.
a painting of yours
lived above my bed
bright splashes of
blacks, reds, browns
it spoke to me, it was
what my mind felt like
it was all the madness
coming to the surface and captured
perfectly by your hand
they asked me what my religious preference was
agnostic, i said, unless something
really dire could happen
then i’m catholic
i wrote a fictional story
about my mother
the fictional me killed
my fictional mother with poison
p.s. Each poem is accompanied by a piece of art that I think best fits that poem's theme so you get art and poetry!
Shine on my crazy little goblins!
You've just finished reading A Most Unreliable Narrator,
the spill-your-guts newsletter by Lisa Rabey.
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