Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #86 Loud music next door and someone singing into a microphone
Just another week in Leelanau County
Throbbing Cabin is in Leelanau County whose local weekly newspaper, the Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. Additional reporting by The Ticker.
These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
(All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes left in place. - Ed)
Tuesday, January 3
12:24:33pm 1/3/2023 Animal Control Large Lake Leelanau., Cow in road.
1:56:51pm 1/3/2023 Motor Vehicle Crash Leland Twp., Customer ran into building with vehicle. Structure is secure. Truck is still on building. Red GMC hit east side.
Wednesday, January 4
8:18 a.m. — Empire Township — Caller dropped off children at 7 p.m., Dec. 12. Caller has sole custody of the children and their father is refusing to return children. Would like a civil standby to pick up children.
8:24 a.m. — Bingham Township — Sex offender stalking neighborhood.
Thursday, January 5
12:27 a.m. — Bingham Township — Dodge Charger just pulled into the park. The park is closed. Cannot tell if they are doing anything wrong.
10:05:52am 1/5/2023 Motor Vehicle Crash Traverse City., Caller is the manager of the trailer park and someone drove into the mailboxes last night and knocked them down. Driving around looking for other damage to property or vehicles. Unable to locate any vehicles with damage in that area.
3:02 p.m. — Empire Township — Suspect took vehicle between 11 a.m. and noon.
3:45:48pm 1/5/2023 Civil W Philip St., Subject made charges at the store and now is not paying for them.
7:16 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Drunk subject on BATA bus passed out on floor.
8:53 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Neighbor has been fighting with boyfriend.
Friday, January 6
11:27:24am 1/6/2023 Suspicious Incident E Nagonaba St., Ice cream vendor, was at Northport to unload ice cream when a man bumped into her and jabbed his elbow into her ribs.
3:31 p.m. — Bingham Township — Man came to caller’s door to ask if dog that was running around was his. Didn’t see a dog. Went next door then went into the mailbox. Caller doesn’t know neighbor.
7:41:34pm 1/6/2023 Suspicious Person S Glen Lake Rd. & S Forest., Caller witnessed a male walking into the woods wearing camo and carrying a rifle.
Saturday, January 7
9:37 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Girls asking someone to buy alcohol for them.
Sunday, January 8
8:48 a.m. —Elmwood Township — Man pulled into parking lot. Has been there for a half hour sleeping. (Subject was sleeping while he was waiting for a call back from work.)
Monday, January 9
9:15 a.m. — Bingham Township — Caller is receiving threats via text from girlfriend’s ex.
1:43 p.m. — Leland Township — Caller did some trailer work for an individual. The person came and picked up the trailer without paying for services.
11:17:08pm 1/9/2023 Assualt & Battery Suttons Bay Twp., Caller requesting deputy to respond to a fight complaint.
Tuesday, January 10
11:07:40am 1/10/2023 Larceny Vehicle East Traverse Hwy., Catalytic converter stolen last night. 2004 Ford F-250.
12:34:39pm 1/10/2023 Motor Vehicle Crash Rollover W Stormer Rd. & S Leelanau Hwy., Semi turned over, contains brine cherries.
7:52:14pm 1/10/2023 Citizen Assist South Schomberg Rd., Dog is stuck in a shaft, blue heeler fifty pounds. Stuck for about an hour. Dog has been rescued.
Wednesday, January 11
9:30:10am 1/11/2023 Citizen Assist Elmwood Charter Twp., Husband using walker, got tangled up and caller lowered him to the floor. Lift assistance.
9:49 a.m.—Suttons Bay Township — Bank account has a fraudulent charge.
11:06:10am 1/11/2023 Fraud Centerville Twp., Lost approximately $500 to a gift card scammer.
Thursday, January 12
9:33:10am 1/12/2023 Citizen Assist E Traverse Hwy & S Solon Rd., Caller was driving southbound on Solon Rd. approaching M-72 when he noticed a male child sitting in the field northeast of the intersection.
7:12:58pm 1/12/2023 Suspicious Incident Elmwood Charter Twp., Someone in Texas is using a license plate, going through tolls and caller is getting notices. Caller transferred the plate 5-6 years ago. Caller will contact SOS to handle issue.
8:14 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller is at her residence and is refusing to leave.
8:44:36pm 1/12/2023 Noise West Michigan St., The upstairs neighbors are scrubbing and making a lot of noise.
Friday, January 13
1:35:14pm 1/13/2023 Suspicious Incident Suttons Bay Twp., Caller bought a phone off of Facebook marketplace and it does not work. Caller would like to file a report.
2:20:07pm 1/13/2023 Suspicious Incident Jackson City., Caller found a bunch of pills, multi-colored.
Saturday, January 14
4:33:23pm 1/14/2023 Citizen Assist N Morning Side Dr., Caller is in a silver Honda Pilot parked at the bottom of the hill by the tennis courts and would like to speak to someone about the loud explosion he heard at the shooting range.
Sunday, January 15
1:27 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller is having a dispute with neighbor.
6:46:11pm 1/15/2023 Criminal Sexual Conduct Holland., Caller received call from a strange person, stated that he would come over to her house.
Monday, January 16
8:59:26am 1/16/2023 Identity Theft Elmwood Charter Twp., Someone contacted her posing as Bank of America, said an account was being opened in her name.
11:22:39pm 1/16/2023 Noise Suttons Bay., Loud music next door and someone singing into a microphone.
Tuesday, January 17
10:03:36am 1/17/2023 Welfare Check Leelanau Twp., Caller has not spoken with her friend for several days, concerned about her.
1:49 p.m. — Elmwood Township — FAX received from Adult Protective Services regarding possible fraud involving Paypal.
Wednesday, January 18
7:57:14am 1/18/2023 Burn Permit Green Lake Twp., Burning a brush pile.
12:54:06pm 1/18/2023 Animal Control Bite W Seventh St & N Ransom St., At dog park and Norman the dog knocked down caller’s 2-year-old child and bit her.
5:50:01pm 1/18/2023 Info S Schomberg Rd & E Gauthier Rd., Two people walking on side of road in dark clothing. Caller does not think its a good idea, they should be wearing brighter colors.
Thursday, January 19
1:16:32am 1/19/2023 Road Hazard S Lake Shore Dr & E Kabat Rd., Caller is reporting a black cow near above location text. Mr. Flores, he will go look for the cow. Mr. Flores called back. The cow is back in pasture.
10:37:14am 1/19/2023 Leave Scene Motor Vehicle Crash Elmwood Charter Twp., Overnight someone hit her address marker, car parts strewn about. Damage to green address marker only.Â
2:07:56pm 1/19/2023 Vehicle Fire Elmwood Charter Twp., Snowblower on fire. Flames at muffler, small tank is half full. Per command, fire is out.
6:44:30pm 1/19/2023 Suspicious Incident Elmwood Charter Twp., Coworker took phone call, individual on the line said he was a court marshal, said he had to count money referring to an ongoing investigation. Owner is aware, did not give out any financial information, advised to contact owner if it happens again.
Saturday, January 21
11:25 p.m. — Bingham Township — Caller heard about five gunshots across the road. Caller thinks it suspicious as it’s late. (Law enforcement investigated. No shots heard.)
Monday, January 23
10:24:20pm 1/23/2023 Citizen Assist Suttons Bay., Subject hit a traffic cone at speedway, he will call back if there is damage to his undercarriage.
Tuesday, January 24
9:45:20am 1/24/2023 Motor Vehicle Crash Personal Property E Old Mountain Rd., Someone slid into her storage shed on her property and damaged it.
12:44:15pm 1/24/2023 Drill S Wing St., Lockdown drill.
5:40:14pm 1/24/2023 Fraud Cedar., Fraudulent charges on Venmo card.
Wednesday, January 25
2:28:26pm 1/25/2023 Citizen Assist Cedar., Blocked in by Consumers Energy truck. Company vehicle stuck refusing to leave. Not saying anything. Situation resolved
Thursday, January 26
4:17:59pm 1/26/2023 Fraud Centeville Twp., Phone call a couple days ago referring to Walmart card and online banking account.
Friday, January 27
7:05:49pm 1/27/2023 Road Hazard E Lincoln Rd., Caller is reporting someone near this address has plowed snow and dirt into the middle of the road causing a road hazard. SNow has been cleaned up.
Saturday, January 28
9:05:59pm 1/28/2023 Gunshots N Morning Side Dr., Six gunshots went off about five minutes ago, after the 6th one, there was a firework as well.
Sunday, January 29
10:06:18pm 1/29/2023 Fire Miscellaneous Traverse City., Elf called direct about an odor investigation. Unfounded, smell is from neighboring wood stove.
lisa x