Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #1 Four mattresses have been dumped along the roadway.
Every week, Leelanau County's (where our cabin is located) weekly newspaper, Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. These are the highlights. These are also real.
Note: The police dispatch is sent every Wednesday evening while In the Year of our Lord of COVID will sent on Sundays at whenever I get around to it.
Wednesday, July 29
8:47 a.m. — Bingham Township — Four mattresses have been dumped along the roadway.
10:03 a.m. — Leland Township — Man outside is acting strangely. Yelling. Making a scene. Waving arms. Long, blonde hair. Black tank, shorts and backpack. (Per law enforcement man is “just listening to music with ear buds. Having a good time.”)
11:41 a.m. — Solon Township — Man standing in front of market soliciting signatures for a petition. He has been asked to move along but has not been cooperative. (Guy is now on the sidewalk. He’s OK to be there.)
3:23 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Cones in the roadway from tree crew. Making it hard for cherry trucks to get through.
Thursday, July 30
7:17 a.m. — Kasson Township — Neighbor walked in, sat down and is refusing to leave.
12:25 p.m. — Solon Township — Male protesting/circulating a petition in front of the market is yelling at people. Told caller she was “stupid and needs to go back to school.”
4:10 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller wants to speak with a deputy about his girl friend not leaving the house.
9:51 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Ongoing neighbor issues where they scream and fight at each other at all hours of the day.
Friday, July 31
7:08 a.m. -— Bingham Township — Neighbor came out and screamed at the caller when he was using a chainsaw to remove a tree from a roadway down the private drive. (Law enforcement spoke with caller. Nothing criminal occurred. Neighbor was just upset.)
Noon — Leland Township — Female pulled her vehicle over on the side of the road, partially on the caller’s yard. Caller reports the female became verbally abusive after he asked her to leave. Last seen southbound on M-22 about 10 minutes ago. Caller requested to speak to a deputy in case the other party comes back. (Law enforcement informed the caller of the road right-of-way on state highway.)
12:04 p.m. — Solon Township — Male outside protesting mask is yelling at and harassing people going in.
9:54 p.m. — Empire Township — Caller lost keys somewhere on the trail when she went to open her door the alarm started going off. She has three kids with her. (Refused a wrecker. Has family coming from Kalamazoo with a spare key.) [This is a four hour drive. At least. She can't find someone local?]
Saturday, August 1
3:49 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Kids jumping off the bridge.
9:40 p.m. — Centerville Township — Caller and brother got into a physical altercation driving home from work. (Nothing physical occurred per caller. Does not want to press charges.) [How do you have a physical altercation but nothing physical occurred?]
Sunday, August 2
12:47 a.m. — Leland Township — Neighbor down the street has super loud music going on south of caller’s address. Does not want to be seen. (Per law enforcement, they were playing the last song and shutting down.)
4:06 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller has been feeding a stray cat for a couple of months. Bit her several times. Cat does not have weird behavior. They do not want to trap the cat because they want to keep it around still.
Monday, August 3
12:26 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller is having issues with neighbor dog coming into her yard. Caller has Schnauzers and they get very wild and start barking when the neighbor dog comes into the yard.
10:08 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Caller heard a huge boom and her modular house rocked. She doesn’t see anything but heard a large boom. Can’t smell anything.
Asa always, don't be an ass. Wear a damned mask.