Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #12 Male walking down middle of the road
Every week, Leelanau county's (where our cabin is located) weekly newspaper, Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
Note: Short week as Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are missing from the blotter.
Wednesday, Oct. 14
12:26 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Caller would like someone to talk to him about threatening to harm his dog.
7:14 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller’s window look like it may have been tampered with. Looks as if someone may have tried breaking into the house through the window. (Per law enforcement, no signs of anyone trying to break in. It’s a replacement window and someone did not do a good job with the install.)
10:05 p.m. — Centerville Township — Caller is reporting he and his brother are having an escalating verbal argument.
Thursday, Oct. 15
6:37 a.m. — Leland Township — Caller says his neighbor’s dogs came into his yard this morning and were harassing him. He and his mother asked them yesterday to keep their dogs in their yard and today they were back in the caller’s yard.
Monday, Oct. 19
9:56 a.m. — Kasson Township — Male walking down middle of the road, right down the center line. (Law enforcement has spoken with him several times. He moves when cars come by.)
11 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Vehicle parked at the corner for at least 30 minutes.
Tuesday, Oct. 20
9:47 a.m. — Bingham Township — Caller found a steak knife on the beach. Nothing suspicious about it. No blood. Caller does not need to speak to an officer. Just wanted to report it.
12:34 p.m. — Empire Township — Caller would like to speak with an officer regarding fraud.
As always, don't be an ass. Wear a damned mask.
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