Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #2 Someone cut and stole caller’s Donald Trump flag.
Every week, Leelanau County's (where our cabin is located) weekly newspaper, Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
Articles of possible interest from LE:
Anti-Racism Resolution Causing Fury
"The Leelanau County Board of Commissioners this week struggled to craft language it will use in a proposed “anti-racism” resolution it may adopt next week, with some commissioners suggesting the resolution should include an acknowledgement of a high incidence of abortion among African-Americans." [...] "The incidence of abortion amounts to 'genocide in this country for Black Americans – perhaps the truest form of racism,' according to District No. 7 commissioner Melinda Lautner."
"Sunday evening deputies responded to a report of the sign outside of the County Road Commission building being defaced. A posting on social media around that time showed the word 'Road' covered with the word 'Racism' on the sign."
Tuesday, Aug. 4
11:54 a.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Small child on a scooter near the Heritage Trail. No one else around. Found parents. Little boy was just a little bit ahead of family.
2:36 p.m. — Solon Township — Man dumped a bunch of returnable next to the recycling bin. (Cans and bottles were gone on arrival.)
Wednesday, Aug. 5
10:42 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller wants to leave. Unsure what to do with children.
1:35 p.m. — Bingham Township — Lawn service is emptying something into the bay at the end of Bingham Road. Party also yelled at the caller and threatened caller when caller took pictures.
3:43 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Someone has used pictures of caller’s rental in a scam.
Thursday, Aug. 6
7:17 a.m. — Empire Township — Black suitcase left near the intersection. Standing up.
3:24 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller responded to a Craigslist ad for a rental in Suttons Bay. Caller gave them $700.
3:24 p.m. — Leland Township — Neighbor cut shrubs. Property has been surveyed and is marked.
4:54 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller feels faint. Husband is trying to intimidate her.
7:40 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Guest came into the restaurant and yelled at them about a former employee. Restaurant would like this party to be trespassed.
8:02 p.m. — Empire Township — Suspicious person. Tall male with white socks on both hands. White T-shirt over red T-shirt and jeans. Bushy brown hair and a hat.
Friday, Aug. 7
2:17 p.m. — Bingham Township — Caller concerned with rumors about a protest. Wants a drive-by check. (Nothing looks out of the ordinary per law enforcement.)
3:37 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Traffic has been driving extremely fast lately. Earlier today caller was flipped off when he signaled to a motorcycle to slow down. Caller requests additional patrols and the radar trailer.
Saturday, Aug. 8
11:13 a.m. — Bingham Township — 20-month-old child locked in the bathroom. Water is running. Homeowner will be shutting water off to the house.
8:59 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Caller is with her husband. Left Pierce Stocking around 4 p.m. Reached the beach and are now lost. Caller is wearing neutral colors. Husband is in red, white and blue shorts, beach towels and bags. (They were able to return to the park.)
Sunday, Aug. 9
6:33 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Someone defaced a sign.
Monday, Aug. 10
8:27 a.m. — Leland Township — Caller reports her neighbors have been cutting down trees on her property. It is a vacant parcel at this time. Ongoing issue. Caller has photos.
1:57 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Female under the influence on caller’s property. Does not need an ambulance but caller thinks she needs to be checked. When caller asked if she was OK or needed help, subject got angry with her.
10:01 p.m. — Leland Township — Someone cut and stole caller’s Donald Trump flag.
As always, don't be an ass. Wear a damned mask.