Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #21 Appears to be ice fishing

Every week, Leelanau county’s (where our cabin is located) weekly newspaper, Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
(Ed. All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes left in place.)
Wednesday, Dec. 16
5:15 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Caller advises a woman is following her. Driving a Red X-Terra. This is a recurring event. This happened the other day.
Thursday, Dec. 17
12:45 a.m. — Centerville Township — Caller’s husband doesn’t know what he is doing. He doesn’t recognized the caller and doesn’t know who he is. He’s physically aggressive but doesn’t know what he is doing. No drugs, alcohol or weapons.
10:44 a.m. — Solon Township — Caller was running and a dog attacked her.
11:12 a.m. — Solon Township — Raccoon is running around in the roadway. Appears sick or injured.
11:42 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Seven or eight cows out of the pen right along the edge of the road.
Friday, Dec. 18
7:36 p.m. — Leland Township — Caller’s father and mother just showed up and took his children. Subject has been drinking. Refusing medical treatment.
Saturday, Dec. 19
11:37 a.m. — Kasson Township — Caller saw someone walking. Then stopping. Then walking. Concerned they need help. Appears to be ice fishing.
11:53 a.m. — Elmwood Township — Neighbor’s dog is being aggressive with caller’s puppy. Second time it has happened.
4:32 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Red Subaru Outback parked at Glen Haven beach. Looks like they might have been sleeping. But doesn’t seem “right.” (They were playing Trivial Pursuit.)
Sunday, Dec. 20
9:53 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Stepfather is drunk. Flushed mom’s medication down the toilet.
Monday, Dec. 21
10:37 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Report of three persons in a garage seen on security camera. Homeowner is in the home with her children and can also see on camera at least four persons in the garage. K-9 brought in. No persons found.
7:06 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Someone took something from the hood of caller’s car. Noticed after brushing snow off the hood. There were some scratch marks.
11:32 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller says wife came home from work and started being aggressive. Throwing things around and yelling. She left residence. Unknown direction or if she was on foot on in a vehicle.
As always, don't be an ass. Wear a damned mask.
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