Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #28 … does not want an officer to come to his residence because he does not trust anyone now
Every week, Leelanau county’s (where our cabin is located) weekly newspaper, Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
(Ed. All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes left in place.)
Wednesday, Feb. 3
8:17 a.m. — Leland Township — Caller wants it noted that someone in the area is burning something with a nauseating smell. Possibly garbage. Ongoing issue.
10:31 a.m. — Leland Township— Caller reports someone using her Amazon account.
4:21 p.m. — Leland Township — Threatening trespassers on caller’s property. There are men parking their vehicle on the side of the road and walking across her property to access the lake. Caller was advised of the road right-of-way parking and the males were most likely not crossing that limit. She also expressed a concern about summer time and having people stop to swim.
9:01 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Daughter received disturbing videos via Snapchat.
Thursday, Feb. 4
1:11 p.m. — Kasson Township — Garbled voice mail says “This is your neighbor. I’m in trouble. Please call the police.” Calls went directly to voice mail.
3:35 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Garage door is open and the car is gone. Caller hasn’t seen subjects in three days. Wants to be sure everything is OK. (Munson contacted. Resident is hospitalized.)
Friday, Feb. 5
2:54 p.m. — Empire Township — Large, 18-wheeler can’t make it up the hill.
Saturday, Feb. 6
10:55 a.m. — Cleveland Township — Caller’s credit card compromised.
5:13 p.m. — Leland Township — Snowmobilers have damaged church parking lot.
Sunday, Feb. 7
1:52 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller got a call from insurance company to tow a Jeep that supposedly broke down. Driver had been drinking and is already home. Caller is on the scene and the vehicle is in the ditch into trees.
5:14 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Small male holding a clear container and walked toward the water. Looked like something blue in the container. Suspicious.
Monday, Feb. 8
10:46 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller’s wife gave out the last four digits of her Social Security number. Caller will not give any information and does not want an officer to come to his residence because he does not trust anyone now. He would like to talk to an offi- cer over the phone to learn what to do.
As always, don't be an ass. Wear a damned mask.
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