Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #57 Caller’s outdoor chairs are all turned around and backwards
Throbbing Cabin is in Leelanau County whose local weekly newspaper, the Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. Additional reporting by The Ticker.
These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
(Ed. All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes left in place.)
Wednesday, Sept. 1
8:58 a.m. — Elmwood Township — Ongoing neighbor problem, Subject is yelling and throwing things around his house. Subject has been on probation and is drinking.
12:36 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Older male collapsed. He his now up. But he is confused. Having memory issues.
7:19 p.m. — Leland Township — Caller has a letter in the mail from finance company saying he owes money.
9:27 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Vintage school bus camper parked on the road. Caller hasn’t seen anyone on the beach, so thinks they are illegal campers.
Thursday, Sept. 2
12:49 p.m. — Kasson Township — Someone is trespassing on caller’s property. Going around cutting people’s yards and greenery without permission. (Deputies learned that company was hired to work in the subdivision. They were supposed to only mow lots without houses.)
3:43 p.m. — Empire Township — Older male with big glasses and thick lenses driving green SUV. Driving toward oncoming traffic. Turned around in someone’s grass and went the other way at 1 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 3
1:05 a.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Camp site is causing a bunch of noise. Caller has already tried talking to them but it didn’t work.
8:49 a.m. — Kasson Township — Caller’s outdoor chairs are all turned around and backwards. Last night noticed car/SUV, dark, backing down the driveway. Twenty to 30 chairs and large, heavy table.
9:44am 09/03/21 Hemorrhage, S. Dunns Farm Road; Cut with yard shears
2:52 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Man in his 50s with white hair purchased two hard seltzer. He’s intoxicated per caller. Driving a Buick Rendezvous.
6:23 p.m. — Bingham Township — Residents in subdivision have had a bad relationship with subject shooting guns. Property is fenced with barbed wire and gated. (Per law enforcement, no legal reason to contact that property owner.)
8:55 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Loud music coming from the south. Unknown exactly where. (Law enforcement unable to locate where the noise is coming from.)
10:37 p.m. — Solon Township — Someone is sitting at the end of the road. Shining bright lights into caller’s house. Caller thinks they might be robbing people. Has been sitting there for about 45 minutes. (Vehicle is waiting for family member to finish dinner party.)
11:44 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Trespassers at the pool that closes each day at 11 p.m. Six or seven occupants out there. Caller doesn’t know if they are residents. He was not going to approach subjects since he was told by management to call the Sheriff’s Office. (Subject left the hot tub. The caller was a resident who had been drinking.)
Saturday, Sept. 4
12:26 a.m. — Bingham Township — Caller’s ex-girlfriend will not stop harassing him. Keeps calling and texting him and other people that he’s talking to.
5:29 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Vehicle at gas station. Male subject running around talking to himself. (Per law enforcement contacted individual ran out of fuel and was waiting for them to open. He was calming down after a bad morning.)
9:41 a.m. — Elmwood Township — Resident sees a vehicle turning around in his driveway. He has video of the same. When asked if he wanted to see an officer about the situation, caller became very agitated and screamed that he just wants the vehicle pulled over. (Per law enforcement, driver is a contractor for Home Depot and is looking for an address.)
12:53 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Black Dodge Ram with gold revving his engine and harassing caller. (Law enforcement made contact. Provided the callers with advice regarding a personal protection order; keeping documentation and potential stalking charges if driver persists.)
4:52 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller received a text from a friend that said dad’s girlfriend punched her in the face. Dad and girlfriend left, but caller is scared when she comes back.
Sunday, Sept. 5
10:17 a.m. — Suttons By Township — Neighbor’s house down the road has a pen or cage with animal inside. Concerned with animal welfare. (Looks like chickens per law enforcement. They have food and water.)
10:51 a.m. — Solon Township — Caller was scammed by someone he met in chat room.
1:03 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Fire in grass at beach. (Small fire contained on private property.)
3:57 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Caller was walking on the beach and a woman yelled at them and then grabbed them. (Spoke with caller. Going to speak with DNR staff to determine where the offending woman may reside.
6:24pm 09/05/21 Traumatic Injury, N. Nanagosa Trail; Caller statement: fell off bike.
7:11 p.m. — Solon Township — Blue vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed past caller’s house multiple times. Caller is unsure what kind of vehicle it is. She can only describe it as a “blue streak” due to how fast it is going.
8:55 p.m. — Caller lives next to the park at the end of Bingham Road. Reports two people on the beach with a campfire going. The park is closed for the night and fires are not allowed on that beach. Caller asked them to leave and they said they were not going to. (Caller called back and advised that they are leaving.)
Monday, Sept. 6
4:47 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Older woman getting gas. Seemed confused.
Tuesday, Sept. 7
12:23 a.m. — Bingham Township — Caller says he’s being harassed by neighbor to the north while he sleeps. (Law enforcement spoke with parties. No harassment occurred.
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