Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #59 Someone has abandoned rooster at the end of Poppy Road
Throbbing Cabin is in Leelanau County whose local weekly newspaper, the Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. Additional reporting by The Ticker.
These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
(Ed. All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes left in place.)
Wednesday, Sept. 15
11:00am 9/15/21 911 Hangup, S. Glen Lake Rd. 9-11 call from cell; elderly couple having coffee, everything fine.
4:08 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Female driver in scrubs stopped car and threatened the caller. Caller advised the woman may be intoxicated.
4:16pm 9/15/21 Neighbor, S. Lake St. Reporting person is target shooting and neighbor came over and wants them to stop. Reporting person requesting a deputy. Reporting person was lawfully shooting his firearm.
4:28 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Male is going into the road and sticking his hands down his pants.
10:04 p.m. — Solon Township — Someone served caller with papers and ran over the cat.
Thursday, Sept. 16
5:43 p.m. — Cleveland Township — Caller is being harassed by neighbors who are coming onto her property claiming it is for insurance purposes. Wanting to take photos and measurements. Caller wants to know if that it legal.
8:24pm 9/16/21 Family Trouble, E. Ki-Dah-Keh Mi-Ku Sister is helping brother move, is refusing to give phone back to mom.
10:03 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Highly intoxicated male on the Leelanau Trail. Wearing black shorts with a baseball cap that says “88” on it.
Friday, Sept. 17
1:04 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Loud and obnoxious party noises. Would like them to quiet down. (Law enforcement spoke with individual renting. They were unaware of the noise. They turned down the music and advised that they would quiet down for the evening.
2:16 a.m. — Kasson Township — Caller has an infant daughter. Caller is worried about his daughter’s safety due to drinking and her being unstable moving from place to place.
8:15 a.m. — Leland Township — Someone has abandoned rooster at the end of Popp Road. Caller has several of them but at least six more have been dropped off today.
11:45 a.m. — Leland Township — Caller had an argument with the crew he is working with and is now stranded. Walking southbound on M-22.
12:53 p.m. — Solon Township — Caller has dog that lives behind him. Barks all the time.
1:06 p.m. — Bingham Township — Caller’s medications were stolen. Believes it happened sometime last weekend, likely during a garage sale.
4:49 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Caller says she had $50 stolen wants to report it to the police.
7:31 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller found a dog tied to a tree near his house. Has an M22 collar and mesh muzzle. Dog taken to the kennel at the Sheriff’s Office.
Saturday, Sept. 18
12:19 a.m. — Cleveland Township —Small two-door, dark colored vehicle. Pulled over and kicked a woman out of the car. She then went back to the car for something and he grabbed her back into the vehicle and took off towards Glen Arbor at a high rate of speed.
1:01 a.m. — Kasson Township — Girlfriend stole something out of caller’s wallet and is also having a mental breakdown. Caller would not give his name and half-way through the call he said it was “fine” and he doesn’t need help.
8:15 a.m. — Kasson Township — Son is staying at caller’s house. Is threatening and assaulting him. Now sending harassing messages. He is trespassing and caller wants him to leave. (Subject given until 11 a.m. to collect his belongs and vacate the premises.)
1:20 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Mom’s ex-boyfriend is moving out and shoved the caller. Still outside but caller has all doors locked. (Law enforcement stayed to observe while he removes his things.)
1:44 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — People on caller’s beach. Caller has asked them to leave but they won’t. Would like them to move on. (Caller advised that everyone was below the high water mark. Not trespassing.)
3:58 p.m. — Kasson Township — Ex-spouse came to caller’s apartment to serve her with court papers regarding their child in common. Caller feels threatened due to previous violent history and said he is harassing her.
8:25 p.m. — Leland Township — Caller heard a loud explosion across the road from her residence. (Gas was used to ignite a fire.)
9:10 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — People partying in lower end of the subdivision. Fireworks going off as well.
10:27 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Male wearing hat, baggy clothes, thin, unshaven. In a rowboat rowing toward the Hilltop Road boat launch. Has a firearm, possibly a BB gun. Was slowly going by caller’s dock. Caller thinks the subject may be intoxicated or on something. ( Per law enforcement, individual was just fishing. Had a pellet gun with him.)
Sunday, Sept. 19
10:25 a.m. — Bingham Township — Man on personal watercraft keeps driving recklessly on the water causing a problem. Caller is frustrated because he has called previously about it. But he hasn’t received a “timely” response. Has video that he wants law enforcement to see.
11:52 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller hears gunshots outside of her house.
2:30 p.m. — Leland Township — Female communicated via text that she is suicidal. She does this when she is in trouble. (Law enforcement made contact. Does not need an intervention. She was with her grandmother and they plan on packing her things and moving out of the county.)
3:48 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Subject threatened caller with a baseball bat. She has left but wants the situation noted for the record.
4:49pm 9/19/21 Traffic Violation, S. Kasson St. Says there are four motorcycles currently parked in front of Bunting’s that have been driving in the area extremely fast. RP was passed on a double yellow coming into Cedar.
8:35 p.m. — Glen Arbor Township — Barking dog somewhere on Western Avenue. Dog has been barking all day.
9:02 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Girlfriend is being combative. Verbal only at this point. She is locked outside of the residence and has also been drinking.
Monday, Sept. 20
8:19 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Cherry Bay Orchards are burning brush all this week.
11:03 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Shouting. Caller hung up phone. No answer on call back. (Parties separated.)
11:28 a.m. — Solon Township — Charges and cleaning products missing from the house.
4 p.m. — Cleveland Township — Caller is having ongoing problems regarding neighbor’s trying to group her private property into their commercial property. Caller is tired or being harassed and is not getting any guidance on what caller can do about it. (Caller was advised to contact an attorney as it is a civil issue.)
11:16 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Caller’s ex-boyfriend is harassing her through text. Caller only wanted to make a report.
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lisa x
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