Weekly Dispatch Blotter Highlights: Issue #70 Sauna on fire / Tree hit a male in the face
Throbbing Cabin is in Leelanau County whose local weekly newspaper, the Leelanau Enterprise, publishes the dispatch calls to 911. Additional reporting by The Ticker.
These are the highlights.
These are all real calls.
(Ed. All spelling errors and grammatical mistakes left in place.)
Wednesday, Dec. 8
8:14 a.m. — Leland Township — Neighbor has built a fence on the easement with the power company that is preventing mail from being delivered. (Civil matter, per law enforcement. Fence is legally placed on neighbor’s property.)
2:47 p.m. — Bingham Township — Northbound on M-22. Female driver almost went into the bay. She thinks the driver is either drunk or is having a medical issue. (Per law enforcement, driver had an eye procedure and can’t see to drive. Arrangements made to return driver home.)
Thursday, Dec. 9
7:09 a.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller was walking on his street and noticed a lot of blood in someone’s yard. (Per law enforcement, found a little bit of blood and broken glass.)
10:49 a.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Noticed hot pink electric bike was missing. Taken between Nov. 30 and last night.
Friday, Dec. 10
11:09 a.m. — Leelanau Township — Grown man sleeping in his car during school hours. School said they were looking into it since Thanksgiving. White Chevy.
10:22 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Truck in the ditch. Unoccupied.
Saturday, Dec. 11
7:28 a.m. — Elmwood Township — Red sports car. Convertible. Sitting in the middle of the roadway.
9:27 a.m. — Leland Township — Standing water to the middle of the road.
11:02 a.m. — Bingham Township — Scooter stuck in the driveway. Operator needs assistance.
12:33 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Landlord is trying to evict caller. He is there now. No paperwork officially filed with courts. Caller wants law enforcement to respond to explain to landlord. He cannot just show up and tell him to leave.
1:22 p.m. — Leland Township — Vehicle drove off with hose still in vehicle. (Driver returned. She will sort it all out.)
3:14 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller hasn’t spoken to his daughter since 2006. Has a local address that he would like checked to make sure she is OK. (Homeowner advised they have lived at the address for two years.)
4:55 p.m. — Leland Township — Daughter is causing trouble.
7:33 p.m. — Elmwood Township — Caller was brake checked. They pulled off into the gas station then the vehicle followed and the driver gave them “threatening looks.” Now vehicle is heading northbound on M-22. (Caller does not want to speak to a deputy.)
9:48 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Caller is getting threats over social media and email. Caller previously helped subject out by having him live with the caller. Suspect is now in Savannah, Georgia. (Per law enforcement. It’s more of a romantic squabble. Spoke with both parties over the phone.)
Sunday, Dec. 12
10:53 a.m. — Elmwood Township — Someone hit caller’s two mailboxes last night. Some car parts left.
4:09 p.m. — Centerville Township — Sauna on fire.
Monday, Dec. 13
11:03 p.m. — Centerville Township — Caller reports smelling pesticides in the area. Neighbors can smell it as well. Smell is bothering callers asthma. Does not need medical attention but would like it checked out. (Whatever it was has now dispersed.)
Thursday, Dec. 16
8:13 a.m. — Solon Township — Cabin broken into. Handyman advised them. Water damage. Beer cans, sand, food in the oven.
12:48 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Call from pay phone stating there was an intruder. White truck with black topper near skate park.
1:15 p.m. — Bingham Township — Caller would hear someone shooting guns behind his house. Thinks it might have been on his property. Would like to speak with law enforcement. (No shots heard. Probably target shooting. Chances of it being on his one acre parcel are slim.)
2:29 p.m. — Bingham Township — Neighbors shot two deer on opening day and the carcasses have been hanging since then. Concerned that the meat has spoiled and should not be consumed by humans.
6:08 p.m. — Empire Township — Subject passed out on the couch. Foaming at the mouth.
Friday, Dec. 17
10:02 a.m. — Leelanau Township — Tree hit a male in the face.
3:23 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Young gentleman in his mid-20s or 30s peeking in the windows at the residence. (Homeowner was at the residence and subject was supposed to be there.)
Saturday, Dec. 18
3:35 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Mail carrier advised there was an unusual amount of mail built up for the past five days. (Law enforcement entered. Medical examiner on the scene.)
7:21 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township— White or silver Ford Edge drove through neighbor’s yard. Possibly intoxicated. Part of the bumper looked like it may have been left in the ditch.
9:43 p.m. — Leelanau Township — Subject has not made it home. He left at the same time as caller and she hasn’t heard from him. (Man was fine. He stopped into Dick’s to talk to some friends.)
Sunday, Dec. 19
10:57 p.m. — Suttons Bay Township — Disorderly subject escorted from the building.
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