The changing of tastebuds is what concerns me. lol I get that it'll happen but I just don't want to lose my taste for chocolate. Heh. Last night (Christmas night) I "splurged" and had a chocolate truffle I brought with me from Spain and I got a little high since I've had almost no sugar in the last two weeks. For my chocolate, it's been Lily's SF which isn't bad but obviously not the same.
The pre-diet is interesting to me because every surgeon has such a different take to it. I see a lot of liquid diets even up to the day. I just had to stick to a strict 1500 calorie diet (I did go over. Oops) max 40g of carbs and at least 60g of protein. I've lost almost 8 pounds in the last nearly two weeks which is great, I guess? I haven't weighed this amount since 2014! My brother and a few others have asked why not stick on a low carb diet, well, it's not sustainable is one. And I love potatoes too much to give them up. A girl has to have limits!
It *does* sound about right! As usual, I relate to so much of this. A few thoughts:
You know, the few years after my WLS were sexually and sensually explosive for me. I had FUN and really felt so sexually powerful. I was super into my own sensuality and I felt so attractive that everyone else became like a magnet. I just wanted to sleep with everyone. I’m not saying the same thing will happen for you but I wouldn’t be surprised if it does.
But I was in my 40’s then and now being in my 50’s I’m suddenly very aware that my body has entered a new phase in life and peri/menopause is in the driver’s seat now. I struggle to regain some of the sensuality that fizzled away from depression and then covid lockdown but I’m not sure I’ll ever get it back. I have found myself wondering if I’ll ever even kiss someone again and feeling super sad about that. We shall see what happens for me.
Tuesday! It’s really happening and I am SO stoked for you! I find myself wanting to participate with you on your food plan post-surgery - clear liquids for a week, then all liquids for two, then soft food for two (this was the path I was instructed to take after mine, anyway).
No matter how you feel, make yourself get up and walk after surgery as often as you can. That is really important for your healing. Strut around like you own the place. Lol
If the weather cooperates, I’ll be in Toronto celebrating Christmas with my family on Tuesday, but I’ll be thinking of you and sending you positive healing juju.
For sure the lockdown and mental issues from the last few years have totally not helped. Having the power to say "no" to TheBassist was a huge shift. Knowing that I didn't have to have sex was freeing but I miss it and I still want it.
I'm really hoping you're right about the come back. I really hope you're right a bout a lot of things.
The diet is similar to what I'll be doing. What was your pre-diet like?
I hear you. There’s so much tension in relationships relating to sex.
Before the surgery, I was instructed to follow the post-surgery diet, “lose 40 pounds” to shrink my liver and to show the surgeon that I was capable of following the diet. (I was instructed that they would weigh me on surgery day and if I had not lost the 40 pounds, the surgery would be cancelled. I remember thinking how ridiculous that was because if I was capable of eating like that and losing 40 pounds on my own, then why would I need this surgery? But when I brought that up it was clear that I could be disqualified from surgery by thinking or talking in a “non-compliant” way. So I learned to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I showed up on surgery day and had not lost the 40 pounds.. I think I had lost 25, and there was no talk of cancelling - they just weighed me for the anesthesiologist. It was clearly just a fear tactic.)
Then I was on clear liquids for the 5 days prior to my surgery as well as a week after. (I had to drink the disgusting little bottle of stuff to clean out my insides the night before and that was the worse part of the entire process.) Clear liquids and then all liquids was really hard it was a tough month. That first bite of scrambled egg when I moved to soft foods was THE BEST thing I’ve ever tasted. But I remember thinking how intense and extreme it was to expect a person to adhere to that. But I did it. And then lost some hair in the next several months - luckily I have a lot of hair so only me and my hairstylist noticed, but I’m convinced the month of liquids is what caused some of my hair to fall out.
I would do it all over again though in a heartbeat - I lost 140 pounds that first year and I was SO FREAKING HAPPY!
The changing of tastebuds is what concerns me. lol I get that it'll happen but I just don't want to lose my taste for chocolate. Heh. Last night (Christmas night) I "splurged" and had a chocolate truffle I brought with me from Spain and I got a little high since I've had almost no sugar in the last two weeks. For my chocolate, it's been Lily's SF which isn't bad but obviously not the same.
The pre-diet is interesting to me because every surgeon has such a different take to it. I see a lot of liquid diets even up to the day. I just had to stick to a strict 1500 calorie diet (I did go over. Oops) max 40g of carbs and at least 60g of protein. I've lost almost 8 pounds in the last nearly two weeks which is great, I guess? I haven't weighed this amount since 2014! My brother and a few others have asked why not stick on a low carb diet, well, it's not sustainable is one. And I love potatoes too much to give them up. A girl has to have limits!
Best of luck with the surgery Lisa, hope it's the start of an excellent 2023
Thanks Bernard! Have a happy holiday!
It *does* sound about right! As usual, I relate to so much of this. A few thoughts:
You know, the few years after my WLS were sexually and sensually explosive for me. I had FUN and really felt so sexually powerful. I was super into my own sensuality and I felt so attractive that everyone else became like a magnet. I just wanted to sleep with everyone. I’m not saying the same thing will happen for you but I wouldn’t be surprised if it does.
But I was in my 40’s then and now being in my 50’s I’m suddenly very aware that my body has entered a new phase in life and peri/menopause is in the driver’s seat now. I struggle to regain some of the sensuality that fizzled away from depression and then covid lockdown but I’m not sure I’ll ever get it back. I have found myself wondering if I’ll ever even kiss someone again and feeling super sad about that. We shall see what happens for me.
Tuesday! It’s really happening and I am SO stoked for you! I find myself wanting to participate with you on your food plan post-surgery - clear liquids for a week, then all liquids for two, then soft food for two (this was the path I was instructed to take after mine, anyway).
No matter how you feel, make yourself get up and walk after surgery as often as you can. That is really important for your healing. Strut around like you own the place. Lol
If the weather cooperates, I’ll be in Toronto celebrating Christmas with my family on Tuesday, but I’ll be thinking of you and sending you positive healing juju.
For sure the lockdown and mental issues from the last few years have totally not helped. Having the power to say "no" to TheBassist was a huge shift. Knowing that I didn't have to have sex was freeing but I miss it and I still want it.
I'm really hoping you're right about the come back. I really hope you're right a bout a lot of things.
The diet is similar to what I'll be doing. What was your pre-diet like?
(Also, happy holidays!)
Happy holidays to you as well!
I hear you. There’s so much tension in relationships relating to sex.
Before the surgery, I was instructed to follow the post-surgery diet, “lose 40 pounds” to shrink my liver and to show the surgeon that I was capable of following the diet. (I was instructed that they would weigh me on surgery day and if I had not lost the 40 pounds, the surgery would be cancelled. I remember thinking how ridiculous that was because if I was capable of eating like that and losing 40 pounds on my own, then why would I need this surgery? But when I brought that up it was clear that I could be disqualified from surgery by thinking or talking in a “non-compliant” way. So I learned to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I showed up on surgery day and had not lost the 40 pounds.. I think I had lost 25, and there was no talk of cancelling - they just weighed me for the anesthesiologist. It was clearly just a fear tactic.)
Then I was on clear liquids for the 5 days prior to my surgery as well as a week after. (I had to drink the disgusting little bottle of stuff to clean out my insides the night before and that was the worse part of the entire process.) Clear liquids and then all liquids was really hard it was a tough month. That first bite of scrambled egg when I moved to soft foods was THE BEST thing I’ve ever tasted. But I remember thinking how intense and extreme it was to expect a person to adhere to that. But I did it. And then lost some hair in the next several months - luckily I have a lot of hair so only me and my hairstylist noticed, but I’m convinced the month of liquids is what caused some of my hair to fall out.
I would do it all over again though in a heartbeat - I lost 140 pounds that first year and I was SO FREAKING HAPPY!