☠️ A Most Unreliable Narrator 🦤 Issue #174 If the yakuza try to steal your cat
Contact us immediately
Dear Internet,
Honestly? I haven’t been in a good mental place lately. My therapist thinks it is situational depression since some major things have happened in the last few months so my psych nurse upped my Zoloft but I feel no different. And, I’m not exercising as much as I should and my water intake is crap.
As we all know, exercise and water intake solve everything.
And no, I do not have suicide ideation and no, I’m not in crisis. I just am not feeling that hot.
When I get like this, I’m hyper aware of my thoughts and feelings. I run system check to see if something triggered me, if it’s the bipolar, or if it’s situational. Sometimes, I just feel like shit and it is none of those things.
I feel wound upon myself when things get this way. Everything is a struggle: working, showering, walking, doing chores. Eating is hit or miss. Either I’m not or I nibble here or there to fulfill a need that I believe needs to be filled even though I’m not remotely hungry. Mr. Lisa has been under a lot of job stress lately so that’s not helping. Then, there is all the terrible things that have happened to my friends so far this year:
A friend’s beloved cat passed
A friend’s beloved husband passed
Another friend is having a crisis in their family
Yet another just found out they have cancer
Still another nearly died
Someone else in my circle had open heart surgery
My second husband dislocated his shoulder snowboarding
Granted, my terrible thing is I had an emergency root canal on January 2 but christ. Wrap yourselves up in bubble wrap! (Check with Best Kate as she is the bubble wrap keeper.)
When things feel like they are going south, I look for things that at least make me smile. Mr. Lisa’s Valentine’s Day card is one. And yes, he does mean VD Day.
Mr. Lisa asked me to me his Valentine, and I said yes. I asked him to be mine, and he said no. That scamp.
After work on Valentine’s Day, we walked to a local ice cream place where I got a small chocolate malt which took hours to finish. It wasn’t a bad day overall.
Let’s see, what else is making me at least smile this week.
I’ve got the document drafted for the next issue of Lisa Writes Stuff issue but I have finally plotted out a book! I’ve never done this before, and I was pumped as I walked home from the coffee shop.
Another thing that cheers me up is Hallmark Channel movies.
I wrote a few weeks back about Hallmark Channel’s Loveuary where every Saturday in February is a new Austen inspired movie. I’ve already recapped “Paging Mr. Darcy” and “Love & Jane.” Saturday, I watched “An American in Austen” which will be recapped over at Excessively Diverting, if such things entice you, in the next few days.
The movies are wholesome and predictable. I know exactly what I’m getting when I watch and yes, the movies are not Oscar worthy and while there are a lot of groan worthy moments, it’s soothing.
I leave you this week with this:
Wonderful Thing
The story goes that the owners started baking cheesecakes out of their home, and then moved to a food truck, and now have a storefront located about a mile from our house. For Mr. Lisa’s birthday in January, I walked down to stand in line before the place opened. I picked up some samples to see what the fuss was about. I mean, it’s 1 p.m. (when they open) on very cold Friday with shitty weather and there was a line! A long one even!
Yep, worth the hype.
Friday, I made a bet with myself to get 1000 words in by 1 p.m, and if I did, I’d get cheesecake. I got 1200 in and walked a few blocks from the coffee house to Big Nita’s and there was already a line that spanned a block. At 1 p.m. Does no one work??
Apparently not! I waited 30 minutes for my two slices (banana pudding (my favorite) and lemon blueberry (Mr. Lisa)).
This also made me happy.
Cake-ily yours,
lisa x